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Monday, April 18, 2011

U is for Utopia

Utopia was a world conceived originally by Plato in his Republic and then built upon by Sir Thomas More in 1516 with his book of the same name. Human nature being what it is however leads the editors to the belief that Utopia will always be outside our grasp. Nevertheless there is no need to relinquish the possibility of making our country and our world a better place.

We are frustrated when we find our political leaders use Australia or New Zealand as examples to strive towards whether it be in the field of health care or taxation models. What makes them believe that these disasters are a path to follow? It’s like making the same mistake as our educational system did when they decided to substitute basic arithmetic for “new math”. We can see how well that has worked in society. Have you ever had a cashier stand stupefied because she couldn’t add $10.00 to $19.23? Twice in the last little while! Bless my soul! We digress.

It would behove our leaders to take a much closer look at Scandinavia, Finland, The Netherlands or Germany as countries with high success rates in satisfying their citizens on most levels. Indeed, Denmark is frequently sited as being the country with the happiest people in the world. Now there is something to strive towards.

Not to be daunted English is an official language in Denmark so there is no need to be worried that our leaders wouldn’t be able to understand the language. That they wouldn’t understand the concepts is another matter but we would ask the question – “if they don’t comprehend the concept should they be our leader?”

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