As discussed in the previous blog, one should Investigate the various parties, priorites and results. One should then use one’s own best Judgment in making a decision about what is going to be best for you and your family in the long run.
Judging the records of past governments can be a very simple thing, or more involved, depending on one’s approach. Very simply, in the last 2 years have you, the Voter found yourself in better circumstances with the Harper method of governing. More involved, has the country found itself stronger with the decisions made by Harper? Have we seen a transparent and open method of governing? How is our economy fairing? Are people making fair wages and getting the support of their Labour Standard Boards to ensure fair hours, fair benefits and fair conditions in the work place?
What about the escalating costs of pharmaceuticals? Are this reasonable costs for an individual to bear? How many schools are either closing down or are in serious disrepair because of cutbacks? Many schools in Alberta were in poor condition even though the province was running at a surplus for almost a decade. How is that possible?
And what ever happend to our Heritage Fund here in Alberta? That is a mystery. Compare its coffers to those of Norway or Alaska. Something doesn’t add up. Where did the money go?
Judgment, not suspicion. Investigate. Find out what is going on with our political parties and how accountable are they really? The only way you, the Voter, can make the accountable is by voting on Election Day and showing your approval or disapproval. Remember Ontario in 1992 voted NDP to show their disapproval of their previous governments. Remember when Ralph Klein, the underdog became major of Calgary. Voters showed disapproval of the status quo and MADE THEIR VOICES HEARD.
This is your opportuntity to Judge your government. Make it count.
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