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Saturday, April 16, 2011

S is for Socialism

When most people hear the world “socialism” they immediately equate it with communism. In its infant stage in the early 1800’s this may have been true but the evolution of democratic socialism more nearly resembles capitalism with a social conscience. Exemplary examples of democratic socialism are the Scandinavian countries where capitalism thrives despite corporations being required to pay high taxes. The philosophy is that no corporation’s interests are held higher than the individual’s greater good.

Quite simply what this means is that corporations and individuals are taxed on what we may perceive as the high side but the result is significant social benefits distributed to persons equally. This includes high quality health care (inclusive of pharmaceuticals), senior pensions at a level commensurate with a similar standard of living to when they were working, post secondary education is free, infrastructure is developed with urban growth rates and unemployment and social services are also at a level where individuals may live in dignity. The individual rights are respected above the rights of corporations and yet these countries are thriving.

As you can see, these countries are strong forward thinking countries. Socialism benefits society as a whole providing all individuals with a dignity that is certainly not illustrated in the United States. Homelessness is unheard of in any of the Scandinavian countries and poverty does not exist at all. What is there to be afraid of by having compassion for your fellow man? The United States has more churches per capital than any country in the world and yet does not live by the Golden Rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. In other words, by paying taxes that will support persons you may think of as derelicts you will eventually be raising up society as a whole. Forward thinking is a good thing.

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