
In fairness we have added all three major parties' links to this site. As we progress we will add additional links to keep our audience informed.
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Monday, April 4, 2011

I is for Investigate

Once again the writers’ urge our readers to investigate what the parties are promising the voters. The most effective way is to check their websites regularly and then cross reference them with various observations by analysts. Recognize the analyst’s bias and take it with a grain of salt. J

It is interesting to observe how many voters continue to vote as their parents’ voted. To quote a current proverb “If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always got”. The most progressive thing that has happened to the Canadian people is the implementation of the health care system in the 1960’s. That was 50 years ago. How uninspiring is that?

Education is an essential service that should be overhauled. We urge our readers to look at The HOPE Scholarship article on Wikipedia. This is a scholarship that is funded by the Georgia State Lottery and was first implemented in 1993. This is a hugely successful initiative and has made a fantastic impact on the lives of families who had previously had no hope of their children attending university. In the 2010-2011 year 238,839 scholarships were awarded (similar numbers in the previous 10 years. Any student with a B average is eligible for this scholarship. In the Scandinavian countries university has no fees. Here in Alberta we are an oil rich province and we have some of the highest university tuitions in the world. Why is that? Alberta has 3 primary universities, 4 if we include the newly created Mount Royal and 5 if we include Athabasca. In Paris alone there are more than 13 primary universities and numerous lesser universities. That’s in one city alone. Why is that?

Priorities. What are the priorities here in Canada? What is most important to our Parties, to our Government and to you the Voter. Is balancing the budget going to make any difference to the quality of your life? Did it in 2007 when both the Alberta and the Canadian governments’ budgets were balanced? Probably not. In 1990 did you have a concern with our health care system? Probably not, it was functioning back then, before all the cutbacks. Balanced budget equals less health care, less education, less infrastructure. Meanwhile, the stock market was at its highest levels. Corporations where making money hand over fist, dividends were lush and their taxes were LOW. Hmmmm. How is that benefiting the Voter?

Think about what your priorities really are and do not be fooled by the party and media hype regarding balanced budgets, fiscal responsibility and cutbacks on social spending. We, the taxpayers, are ENTITLED to a high quality level of services for ourselves, our children and our parents. We are paying for these services and they should be DELIVERED. Look for a government that will deliver on promises, promises that will enhance your life in this 21st century.

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