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Thursday, April 14, 2011

R is for Remembrance

Ask yourself this question. If you knew there would be no accountability for your actions and the treasury was open to you, what would you do? If you found a bag of money in some ditch, would you keep it or would you take it to the police station?

If the same government has been in power for over 40 years do you think it would be untarnished or is there a possibility of corruption? What has been happening in Lybia these 30 years with Qaddafi in power? What would you see if you looked into the Alberta account books?

Doesn’t it make sense that we should shake up our political parties once in a while so they do not become complaisant? Remember, if you continue to do what you’ve always done you will continue to get what you’ve always got. Wake up Alberta. Wake up Canada. Voters have a responsibility to use their best judgment on what is right for them and their country.

Don’t have a selective memory. Remember the scandals, the questionable behaviours, remember when our politicians gave themselves exorbitant raises and pensions and how little went to the ordinary senior citizens. Remember when the roof fell in on our school with our children inside? Remember the patronage appointments, the stacked Senate. Remember when the Reform Party promised to abolish the Senate (and remember how many Reform MPs said they wouldn’t take the pension and all but one of them signed up for the pension as soon as they became eligible?) Remember all the promises, the denials, and then be responsible about how you vote on Election Day. Make our politicians accountable! Remember, remember, remember.

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